LINQ to SQL pitfalls: Nullable types

Nullable booleans and comparisons

Testing if a nullable boolean is true is quite simple in C#, there are many ways, sorted here in my preference order.

bool? nullableBool = true;
var option1 = nullableBool == true;
var option2 = nullableBool.Equals(true)
var option3 = nullableBool.HasValue && nullableBool.Value;
var option4 = nullableBool ?? false;

All options return true in this case, false for nullableBool = false; and also false for nullableBool = null;

However, when using this expressions is labmdas inside a LINQ to SQL projection they will behave differently! LINQ to SQL it is not smart enough to translate to T-SQL in a way that the current ANSI_NULLS setting does not affect the query result. To avoid NULL = 1 comparisons, don’t use option1 or option2 there!

Huh? Please elaborate

Consider a table in Microsoft SQL Server, with a nullable bit column, like this

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Banana] (
  [Id] int,
  [IsYellow] bit NULL,

I will not get into whether you should have bit NULL columns or not (you probably shouldn’t) but if you do, and you are using LINQ to SQL to query your RDBMS, your generated Banana entity will have an IsYellow property, of  bool? C# type. Makes sense!

The following simplified code, though a little bit pointless in this case, is a perfectly valid situation if you wanted to avoid a nullable in your DTO, or you are projecting a boolean for any other reason.

ctx.Bananas.Select(x => new
                      Id = x.Id,
                      IsYellow = x.IsYellow == true

but it will generate the following ANSI_NULL OFF dependent T-SQL code:

SELECT [t0].[Id],
        WHEN [t0].[IsYellow] = @p0 THEN 1
        WHEN NOT ([t0].[IsYellow] = @p0) THEN 0
        ELSE NULL
     END) AS [IsYellow]
FROM [Banana] AS [t0]

If there are any rows with NULL IsYelow, this code will will generate an “InvalidOperationException: The null value cannot be assigned to a member with type System.Boolean which is a non-nullable value type.” This happens because the  CASE will fall through the ELSE clause for any NULL value, thus returning a NULL in the result set, unasignable to our regular non-nullable boolean.

Note that the condition [t0].[IsYellow] = @p0, where @p0 is true and [IsYellow] is NULL, is neither true nor false according to the SQL 92 standard, this is the behavior when ANSI_NULLS are are set to ON, wich is the default and will be actually forced ON in next versions of the MS SQL Server.

The last option will work as expected. For example:

ctx.Bananas.Select(x => new
                      Id = x.Id,
                      IsYellow = x.IsYellow ?? false

Would generate a safer NULL checking T-SQL code, like:

SELECT [t0].[Id], COALESCE([t0].[IsYellow],@p0) AS [IsYellow]
FROM [Banana] AS [t0]

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About Iván Stepaniuk

I have been creating software for more than twenty years in a wide variety of stacks, languages and platforms. I advocate Software Craftsmanship and the Agile Manifesto, this has been a great motivation and helps me to continuously reinvent myself as a better developer that makes better quality software.

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